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Virtual Freshers Week
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Virtual Freshers Week

Meeting new friends, connecting with classmates, networking with people on your course. Freshers week is a rite of passage for every budding university student, marking the commencement of their university journey and initiation into college life. Freshers week isn't just an excuse to party for 7 days straights, it's an opportunity to make lifelong friends, socialise with likeminded people, and explore everything the university has to offer.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 Coronavirus has put a proverbial spanner in the works. With stringent social distancing measure in place and drinking establishments closed, traditional freshers events are unlikely to go ahead. Even if restrictions are lifted, will students be comfortable in a crowded club, packing into a taxi, or squeezing into the local pub?

What if there was a way to organise an awe-inspiring freshers week that didn't depend on Coronavirus regulation? What if there was a way to delivery unprecedented celebrity experiences to new students? What if there was a way to create a safe and secure schedule of events that Coronavirus couldn't scupper? Here at Celebrity-Experiences.com, we have compiled a roster of Virtual Freshers Week Events. These events adhere to social distancing regulation, are easy to set up, and encourage wide-scale participation.


What are Virtual Freshers Events?

A virtual freshers event is an organized gathering where students convene virtually rather than physically. With the COVID-19 Coronavirus halting in-person interaction, virtual freshers events are the perfect way to encourage student comradery and prompt motivation for their upcoming degree. Whether it's a celebrity chef teaching self-catered students basic cooking techniques over Zoom, a subject-specific keynote speaker introducing the students to their course, or a celebrity DJ hosting a socially-distanced rave; virtual freshers events are the solution to Freshers 2020.

How do Virtual Freshers Event's work?

Setting up a virtual freshers event is vastly easier and more cost-effective than a physical event. Say goodbye to negotiating prices with club managers. Say goodbye to overpriced bar hire. Say goodbye to events falling through due to lack of organisation. Our transparent 5-step booking process is simple and time-efficient:

  • 1). Select your chosen celebrity
  • 2). We confirm date/time with your chosen celebrity and confirm availability

-3). Customise your bespoke experience

-4). We arrange the broadcast to a video platform suitable for the event

-5). Enjoy your virtual fresher's event

Examples of Virtual Freshers Events

At Celebrity-Experiences.com, we have unprecedented access to the world of A-list celebrities and bespoke experiences. Listed below are a few examples of our most popular Virtual Freshers Events:

Zoom Cooking Class with a Celebrity Chef

Help self-catered students learn the basics of cooking and bond with their flatmates with an exclusive video cooking class. The Celebrity Chef will run through basic culinary technique and teach students how to create easy cost-effective meals.

Subject-Specific Keynote Speaker

Ordinarily, students would congregate in a lecture theatre to hear about their upcoming course. With social distancing measures in place, this is unlikely to happen. Hiring a keynote speaker to introduce students to their studies is a perfect way to enthuse pupils. Whether it's an ex-Prime Ministers introducing Politics, a renowned historian prefacing History, or a business-guru discussing Business Studies; hiring a virtual keynote speaker is an ideal way to motivate students.

Celebrity DJ

With bars and clubs facing an uncertain future, hiring a Celebrity DJ to headline a socially distanced rave is the perfect way to start freshers week with a bang. Students can watch a world-renowned DJ play iconic tracks experience the clubbing scene from the comfort of their dormitory.

Virtual Personal Training

Going to the gym is the perfect way of maintaining a routine during university. It helps students develop a schedule and meet like-minded individuals. We offer a variety of celebrity personal trainers. Students can simply log on to the scheduled video chat and workout alongside the celebrity trainer and fellow pupils.

Society Q&A Session

Societies are an integral part of university life. They allow students to explore new interests and spend time with like-minded people. What better way to promote your society than by hiring an iconic figure in the field. Whether it's the Left Wing Society hiring a famous socialist, the Magic Society hiring a famous magician, or the running society hiring an Olympic athlete. The society president can chair the event, asking questions submitted by society members.

Why book a Virtual Freshers Event?

Imagine hiring an A-list celebrity for your fresher's event. Imagine treating new students to an unprecedented virtual event. Imagine elevating your universities freshers week to the next level. So what are the advantages of virtual freshers week?


Finding a venue, hiring staff, organising transport, controlling the event. These are just some of the many concerns when booking a freshers event. The costs and concerns mount up rapidly. With a virtual freshers event, you simply book your chosen experience and give participants the login details. It takes all the extra costs and constant stress out of organising an event.

Easy to book

Dealing with venues, staff and management can be taxing. With a virtual freshers event, you simply choose your experience and you're done. Our team of industry professional staff will be on hand to ensure your virtual event runs swimmingly.

Wide participation

Going to a freshers event where you don't know anyone can be a daunting affair. This puts countless students off participating and consequently negatively impacts their university experience. Thanks to virtual freshers events, students can log on and enjoy the virtual event from the comfort of their dormitory.

Unparalleled entertainment

Imagine how motivated students will be after hearing a subject-specific keynote speaker introduce them to their upcoming course. Imagine the comradery between pupils as they embark on a celebrity cooking class over video chat. Virtual freshers events are the creme de la creme of the fresher's experience.

Get in touch

For more information regarding Virtual Freshers Week, please get in touch with a member of our Customer Services Team. Whether you have an event in mind, or simply wish to find out more information about the vast possibilities on offer, our team will be happy to help. Elevate your Freshers 2020 to the next level and get in touch today.

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